The steps to Edupool Integration

The steps to Edupool Integration

Get in touch

Our team is actively looking for valuable new educational resources that enhance the learning experience for students and teachers in the German high school system. Reach out to us at to set up an initial meeting with our onboarding team.

Decide where to host

The implementation of media and apps on Edupool is configured according to the needs of your business and product. Media can be hosted on our own servers for playout through our CDN in partnership with Deutsche Telekom, or on your own infrastructure. Apps will tend to be hosted and delivered through your infrastructure, and our openID API can be configured so that your customers can use SSO to access your app directly from their Edupool accounts.

Decide how to sell

If you have your own product store, our licence API enables you to generate licenses directly. For lower volumes we also offer a dashboard for manual license creation (for example, a whole school license for 3-years). If you do not have a store, we can add a sales page for your product to the marketplace, which will create the licenses for you.

Sign a contract

Once you know the best way for you to engage with the Edupool ecosystem, we can sign an agreement that fits those terms.

Set up your Edupool Account

We will send you a link to create an account on our backend Edupool Publisher system. You can add your company details and set up your team members to manage your products.

Add your Products details

You can now create your product entries on Edupool, including images, product descriptions and metadata that will enable teachers and media center administrators to find and make decisions about using your products.

Upload products*

If you are using our CDN, you can now upload your actual product data into the Edupool Publisher system.

Configure OpenID API*

If you are delivering your product from your own infrastructure, we will send you the configuration instructions for our OpenID API and support your team through this step.

* Only one of these steps is necessary, depending on how your product is delivered to the customer.

Configure Edupool licensing API

If you are selling through your own store you can now optionally configure the Edupool License API to generate licenses directly from sales transactions. For these products it is essential that we have a button URL that takes the user directly to the product web page, and that a license for Edupool is offered. If you do not wish to implement the license API we will activate the manual license creation dashboard for you. In this case we need a URL that will direct you customers to a page where you can connect with them about licensing for Edupool. (This could also be an email address)

Set a up checkout page on Edupool Marketplace

If you would like to sell your product directly through the Marketplace we can activate a checkout page for you. You will also need to add a price to your product data, and share your details for settling transactions.

† Only one of these steps is necessary, depending on how your product is sold to the customer.

Going live

Once everything is in place you will be able to set your product(s) to live in Edupool Publisher.

Enabling Media Centre previews

For Media Centers to make decisions about whether to purchase the content for a school district, they will need to see full previews or tryout your app without a licence. Edupool Publisher gives you the capability to activate previews for your content at country, federal state, and media center granularity, or by creating activation codes to distribute through your own channels. What is shared, with whom, and for how long remains completely under your control.

👉 Next steps

Refer to the support documentation for detailed instructions on these steps

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