Display your products on the Edupool Marketplace
Display your products on Marketplace
To set your products live on the Edupool Marketplace:
- Navigate to the setup page for your organisation.
- Select the "Edupool Marketplace" tab.
- Complete the following fields:
- Name im Marketplace – The name of your organisation. (This might be the same as your product name if you only have one product on the Edupool Marketplace).
- URL zum Homepage – Your company homepage.
URL zum Shop – The page a customer should land on if they press the "buy" button on the Marketplace product page.
URL zum Logo – You company logo (Again, it might be the same as product logo if you only have one product).
Ihre Selbstbeschreibung – The short description of your company.
4. Use the "Anzeige in Marketplace" selector to activate the entry and choose how your products are categorised:
- "Nein" = Your products will not appear in the Marketplace
- "App-Katalog" = Your products will appear and be categorised as Apps
- "Buch-Katalog" = Your products will appear and be categorised as Books
- "Medien-Katalog" = Your products will appear and be categorised as Media
The Medienzentren in the german state education system licence media to make it available the schools within their respective districts of their federal state. You can make full previews of your products available to media centre employees so they can make better informed decisions about what to purchase for the schools.
1. Simply check the boxes of the federal states where you would like previews for media centres to be available.
Set a direct link to your product page
To set a direct link to your product (as opposed to your general homepage or shop link above), complete the following steps..- Paste the URL for the specific product into "Link zum Shop".
This is the destination for the buy button on the Marketplace product details page.
- When the user presses the buy button they are presented with a window telling them they are being redirected to your store.
You can add a customised message to be displayed to the user here in "Hinweis vor Umleitung"
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