Creating a new product

Creating a new product

Create new product

To create a new product, click on the "Media" tab in the top navigation, and then navigate to the "Funktionen" tab.
Click "Datensatz neu" (New record).

The following window will open for you to enter your product details

Adding Metadata

Please add the following metadata as a minimum, and more where appropriate your product type. The fields are listed below according to the section they appear in. 

Basisdaten (Basic data)

Mediennummer (Media Number) 
The format of the media number is not relevant for our systems. However, if you sell media to media centers, you should use the central signature assignment's media number. If the FWU (the operator of the "Educational Media Database") permits, you will be able to load the entire dataset with one click in the future. However, this is still undecided. We have therefore only adopted the data for the old media. All producers or publishers not bound to the central signature assignment can fill in the media number and all other data fields at their discretion. 

Titel (Title)
The unique title of the individual product

Technische Angaben (Technical specifications)

Medienart (Media type)
Select from the drop-down list 

Länge (Duration)

For time-based media products

Produktionsjahr (Year of production)

Produktionsland (Country of production)

Allgemeine Dokumentation (General Documentation)

Adressaten (Target Audience)

Please enter this according to the EAF guideslines (LINK REQUIRED)

Schlagworte (Keywords)


Sachgebiete (Subject area)

Please select as many checkboxes as required on the EAF compliant list.

Sprache (Language)

Please use the two digit language codes eg: EN, DE, 

Beschreibung (Description)

Kurztext (Short description)

Text (Description)

Produzenten - Lieferanten - Urheber (Producers - suppliers - creators)

Please us the appropriate fields to enter information on the producer, suppliers, distributors, authors and other production in formation.

Click the "Speichern" button to save.


Your product metadata details will now appear under the "Ubersicht" (Overview) tab. 

Add a key image

From the "Ubersicht" tab, drop your product key image into the field labelled "Drop cover here".
This is that will appear on the product card in the Edupool Marketplace and users' media libraries. 
Please use a 16:9 format, with a minimum size of 640 x 360 pixels.

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