Creating Activation Codes through your Licence dashboard
Create a licence activation code
Click on the "Codes" navigation button and the click on "Codes erzeugen" to open code creation dialogue box.
Complete the fields as required for this activation code release. The field definitions follow.
Anzahl | The number of individual codes you require |
Mediennummer | The mediennummer of the product. |
Titel | An optional nickname for this share of codes. |
Erfasst am | The date the activation codes were created (automatic). |
Gültig ab | The date the licences should be valid from. |
Einlösbar bis | The last date that the licences can be redeemed. |
Anzahl Übertragungen | The number of times a licence may be "recycled" between students. |
Anzahl Nutzer | The number of licences required. |
Kaufreference | Optional reference (eg. the name of the school you are selling too). |
Lizenzlaufzeit (Tage) | The number of days that a licence is valid for. |
Spätester Lizenzablauf | A hard stop date that all licences from this code will terminate on. (optional) |
Kaufpreis | Optional sale price for your reference |
Save your code(s)
Click on the floppy disk to save and download a .XLSX file of the code(s) to your computer. These codes can now be shared with your customer by whatever means you choose.
Redeeming the codes
To redeem the codes, the customer will open their account avatar in the Edupool Mediathek and click on "Redeem license code" or "Lizenzcode einlösen" depending on their language settings.
The activation code is entered into the open field.
The media will appear in the School / Schule area of the Edupool Mediathek. From here the customer can manage the licence distribution for themself and their connected classes.
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