Add and manage Edupool publisher users

Add and manage Edupool publisher users

Add Users 

To see your users select "Mitarbeiter" in the top navigation (It's german for colleague, literally "with-worker").

To add a user click on "Neuen Mitarbeiter anlegen."

A new form will open where you can enter the new user details. 

Fill in the fields with your information as per the guide below 

Login = Username 
Name = Employee Name 
Systemverwalter = "System Administrator"
You will need to create the password for the user
The look and feel of the user's interface can be adjusted with "style" and "icons

Set user permissions

Permissions related to product records, product data, and licenses are set in these fields:

Medien = Product records
Mediendateien = Actual media files for the products
Lizenzen = Licenses

Click on the icons to see an expanded view of permissions like this:

The permissions level scales from left to right as follows

ansehen = view
+ bearbieten = + edit
+ hinzufügen = + create
+ löschen = + delete

Once the user data is complete, click the "Speichern“ button.

This new user can then log in at https://publisher-****** with the credentials that you have created. 

Manage Users

Return to the "Mitarbeiter" list at any time to manage existing users or create new ones.

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